Our Story
Ours is a story that takes us on a journey through Africa. From Ghana, where our shea is organically sourced, to Mozambique – our founder’s home. And finally, to South Africa where shea&i was born and operates.
What makes s(he)a & I truly special is that it has been built from a place of love for humanity. Our founder is passionate about creating community and a safe space where individuals of all cultures, races, sexualities can co-exist and create, thus making our products gender inclusive.
Our products have been created with the sole purpose of nourishing your skin – no matter the skin type and tone. Made from organic shea butter and with no added harmful preservatives and artificial oils, our products are kind and gentle to the skin.
For our founder, Claudia, human beings matter, and beauty should always be coupled with purpose. Hence shea&I’s vision and mission are centred around sustainability. This is why our products are affordable, organically sourced and accessible.
Our Promise
All our products are created from a place of being intentional about life, love and skin. And most importantly, human beings.
shea&i - a butterful scoop of love, every time!